Online Consumer Information

With the distance learning complaint process for out-of-state students, 91做厙 strives to resolve student complaints, grievances and concerns as quickly and amicably as possible. Students residing in states other than Nebraska while attending 91做厙 who believe they have issues with online courses should follow the 91做厙 Student Grievance Procedure.

If the issue cannot be resolved internally, students may file a complaint with their state. The student grievance contact information for individual states is shown below.

The Higher Learning Commission, which accredits 91做厙 also has a which can be found on the HLC website.

Student Policies and Procedures

Student Complaint Information by State and Agency


Alabama Commission on Higher Education  Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Planning

Complaints for outofstate institutions are referred to the Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education (ADPE) for response. Please see the ADPE link below. For instate institutions, contacts are posted to the .

Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education  Office of Private School Licensing Division


Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education

The Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education (ACPE) processes complaints alleging violations of state institutional authorization law relative to postsecondary institutions or programs in Alaska. The complaint investigation process is described in AS 14.48.130 and 20 AAC 17.130145. Students are encouraged to pursue the complaint process at their institutions prior to contacting ACPE. To request a complaint form please send an email to: EED.ACPE For questions or assistance relative to complaints please contact: Jo Anne Hayden, Program Coordinator for Institutional Authorization (9074656741) or at EED.ACPE Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education; P.O. Box 110505; Juneau, AK 998110505.


Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education


Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board

ADHE requires the certified institution to make a decision on the student grievance following the institutions public policy. Inquiries into student grievances must be limited to AHECB certified (under Arkansas Code 禮661301) courses/degree programs and institutions and to matters related to the criteria for certification. Within 20 days of completing the institutions grievance procedures, the student may file the complaint in writing with the ICAC Coordinator, Arkansas Department of Higher Education, 114 East Capitol, Little Rock, AR 72201. The grievant must provide a statement from the institution verifying that the institutions appeal process has been followed. ADHE will notify the institution of the grievance within 15 days of the filing. Within 10 days after ADHE notification, the institution must submit a written response to ADHE. Other action may be taken by ADHE as needed.

Arkansas State Board of Private Career Education

If students believe that their rights have been violated, we always suggest they first seek to resolve the problem by following the school's complaint process. Next, meet with the School Administrator and discuss their concerns with him/her. If the problem is not solved at the school level, the student may then contact us at (501) 6838000.


California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education


Colorado Department of Higher Education

Colorado Department of Higher Education, Division of Private Occupational Schools


Connecticut Office of Higher Education

For degree granting institutions, students should contact the Office of Financial and Academic Affairs for Higher Education at 8609471822 for specific instructions. For PostSecondary Occupational Schools, more information is available on the .


Delaware Department of Education

The Delaware Department of Education will investigate complaints. Such complaints must be in writing and verified by the signature of the person making the complaint. Oral, anonymous or unsigned complaints will not be investigated. Until the web site is functional, please write or call for more information. The Delaware Department of Education; Teacher and Administrator Quality; John W. Collette Resource Center; 35 Commerce Way; Dover, DE 19904. The Delaware Department of Education phone number is 3028573388.

District of Columbia

District of Columbia Education Licensure Commission


Florida Department of Education, Commission for Independent Education


Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission


None listed.


Idaho State Board of Education

Complaint process described in Admin Rule (July 1, 2011) section 500. Forms and instructions available upon request from the State Coordinator for Private Colleges & Proprietary Schools. For more information, please contact the Office of the Idaho State Board of Education (Main Office: 2083342270).


Illinois Board of Higher Education

Institutional Complaint Hotline: (217) 5577359. The Board receives general information email at Students seeking to register a complaint about an institution are required to submit the complaint in writing. Complaint processing as relates to maintenance of institutional approvals is described in 23 Illinois Administrative Rules Sections 1030.70 and 1030.80.


Indiana Commission on Proprietary Education


Iowa College Student Aid Commission


Kansas Board of Regents


Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education


Louisiana Board of Regents

For proprietary schools, the complaint procedure appears on the Board of Regents : Cursor down to Procedures and click on student complaint procedures. For the academic degreegranting institutions, Louisiana relies on the Consumer Affairs Division of the Attorney Generals Office at 2253266200.


Maine Department of Education, Office of Higher Education Services

Complaints shall be addressed in writing to the Maine Department of Education, Office of Higher Education, Augusta, Maine, 04333, with specific facts and allegations and signed by the complainant. The school shall be notified of any complaints which are to be investigated.


Maryland Higher Education Commission

Individuals who wish to submit a complaint may use the following contact information: Office of the Attorney General, Consumer Protection Division, 200 St. Paul Place, Baltimore, MD 21202. Please see the .


Massachusetts Department of Higher Education


Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs

The Michigan Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs addresses complaints involving proprietary schools in Michigan.

Complaints involving public university consumer protection violations may be directed to: Office of the Attorney General of the State of Michigan; Consumer Protection Division; P.O. Box 30213; Lansing, MI 489097713. For more information, please see the .


Minnesota Office of Higher Education


Mississippi Commission on College Accreditation

Mississippi Community College Board


Missouri Department of Higher Education


Montana University System, Montana Board of Regents


Nebraska Department of Education, Private Postsecondary Career Schools

Nebraska Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education

The policies regarding student complaints are listed on our website with a notation that they are not final. The Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education (CCPE) intends to have a section on the website that walks students through the process; in the meanwhile, please call our office at 4024710030. Please note that institutions offering courses or programs that are exclusively online are not required to seek authorization from CCPE. If students have complaints about such institutions, we refer them to the home state of the institution or the .


Nevada Commission on Postsecondary Education

New Hampshire

New Hampshire Department of Education, Division of Higher Education, Higher Education Commission

New Jersey

New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Center for Occupational Employment Information


New Jersey Commission on Higher Education


New Mexico

New Mexico Higher Education Department

New York

New York Office of College and University Evaluation

North Carolina

The University of North Carolina Board of Governors

North Dakota

North Dakota State Board for Career and Technical Education

Currently complaints are filed with the North Dakota Department of Career and Technical Education (CTE) and are then handed to the Attorney General. That policy is currently under review and revision. Please call CTE at 7013282678 for more information.


Ohio Board of Regents

The agency does receive student complaints. Students are encouraged to try to resolve their issue through their institutions formal grievance procedures. If the students issue is not resolved through this process, the Ohio Board of Regents may then contact the institution on the students behalf and request that institution work with the student to resolve the issue. If the grievance involves an issue that violates the agencys standards for authorization, the agency would contact the institution to determine the severity of the issue and what agency action would be taken. Please call the Ohio Board of Regents at 6143871215 for more information.

Ohio State Board of Career Colleges and Schools


Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

Current and prospective student complaints are handled through the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSRHE) Academic Affairs Office by reviewing the circumstances of the complaint and providing the individual with contact information for the most appropriate campus office with the authority to resolve the complaint. If the individual has exhausted the process for review and appeal at the institution and believes the complaint is unresolved, OSRHE staff requests permission to contact the institution on the student's behalf to identify any possible resolution. OSRHE staff remains in contact with the student to determine if the issue has been resolved or adequately addressed. Please call OSRHE at 4052259100 for more information.

Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education


Oklahoma Board of Private Schools

A form is available by request to the Oklahoma Board of Private Schools (OBPVS) staff, but is not required. Unless a safety or other issue requiring an inperson investigation is alleged, a Student complaint will be accepted and sent to the institution for a response that may then be forwarded to the complainant for further input. Please call OBPVS for more information at 4055283370. Web page is under development.


Oregon Office of Degree Authorization

All complaints about schools under our regulatory jurisdiction or an exempt status approved by this office are handled by Office of Degree Authorization (ODA) staff. Complaints about exempt schools are referred to the Attorney Generals office. Please call ODA for more information at 5416877478.

Oregon Department of Education  Private and Career Schools Office


Pennsylvania Department of Education, Division of Higher Education

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Council on Education


Rhode Island

South Carolina

South Carolina Commission on Higher Education

South Dakota

South Dakota Secretary of State

South Dakota State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SD-SARA)


Tennessee Higher Education Commission, Division of Postsecondary School Authorization


Texas Workforce Commission

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

To file a complaint, follow the complaint procedures in the school's catalog. If the issue is not resolved, contact either the Texas Workforce Commission's Career School or the school's accrediting agency. If the school is not accredited by a recognized accreditor but has degree granting authority, send a written complaint to the Coordinating Board at Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Academic Affairs and Research, P.O. Box 12788, Austin, Texas 78711.


Utah Division of Consumer Protection


Vermont State Board of Education, Vermont Department of Education

We encourage you to work directly with your institution to satisfy complaints. In most cases, that is the only appropriate avenue for you to pursue. If you believe you have exhausted avenues listed above and those listed in the attached PDF and have a valid complaint about a violation, you may send it to the Vermont Department of Education in writing at 120 State Street, Montpelier, VT 056202501. All complaints should be specific in describing the nature of the complaint and relevant information: the name of the parties involved, including witnesses, dates, the policy or procedure violated (if known), the course/program, the name of the institution, and complete contact information. In addition, please include any supporting material that substantiates your complaint, including correspondence with the school about the issue. For more information please see the form on the .


Virginia State Council of Higher Education, Private & Outof State Postsecondary Education


Washington Student Achievement Council

Students may submit a formal complaint to the Washington Student Achievement Council, provided it is against an institution authorized by the Washington Student Achievement Council and is within one year of the last date of attendance. For more information, please contact the Washington Student Achievement Council at 3607537800.

Washington Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board

West Virginia

West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission

West Virginia Council for Community & Technical College Education



Wisconsin Educational Approval Board


Wyoming Department of Education

If the complaint involves an issue relative to authorization, the Wyoming Department of Education contacts the institution to ensure that the institution is compliant with Wyoming State law. For complaints not related to authorization, the complainant is encouraged to try to resolve the issue through their institution's formal grievance procedures. Depending on the nature of the complaint, the complainant may also be referred to the Consumer Protection Division of the Wyoming Attorney General's Office. Please contact the Wyoming Department of Education at 3077776210.

*Based upon the SHEEO (State Higher Education Executive Officers) Compendium of (State Authorization) Laws and Regulatory Practices, this summary was created with support from WCETs (WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies) State Authorization Network. SHEEO and WCET collaborated in directing the work of NCHEMS (National Center for Higher Education Management Systems) in gathering, updating, and compiling the information.