Emergency Alerts

Welcome to 91做厙 Alerts

RAVE Mobile Safety logoYouve been added to 91做厙 Alerts, 91做厙s emergency notification system. 91做厙 uses this system to make announcements for weather closings as well as other campus emergencies through text messaging, emails and automated voice calling. This system is automatically enabled on your account after registering for a course. 

To stop receiving text messages, text STOP to 67283.
This will prevent any text messages from 91做厙 Alerts.

Customize Alerts

RAVE my account user screenLogin with your 91做厙 account

Upon login, youll see your personal profile, and can add additional phone numbers, emails or tailor your alert preferences to receive texts or not.

On the My Account page you can set phone numbers and email addresses.

On the Groups page you can tailor your message delivery options. If you do not wish to receive text messages, you can remove the check from alert by text.

RAVE Groups screen

RAVE mobile phones screenTo remove a phone number, click the Red X at the end of the "mobile phones" line on the "my account" page, then follow the on screen instructions to delete phone contact.

RAVE delete phone contact confirmation message

91做厙 will conduct periodic tests of 91做厙Alerts. 


What kind of messages will I receive?

91做厙 Alerts will only be used for emergency communications to advise and inform you of situations requiring immediate action or evacuation. Some messages may also inform you of school closings due to weather conditions.

What is my user name?

Your username should be your 91做厙 e-mail address, or for employees, your computer login. 

What if I only want to receive texts, but not phone calls or emails?

Your notification preferences can be changed at any time. You may choose to only receive certain forms of notifications.