First Apprenticeship Summit Set

November 2, 2023

Joni Ransom

The first Nebraska Apprenticeship Summit will get underway at 8 a.m. at Younes Conference Center North in Kearney.

The theme for the summit, which will run until 3:30 p.m., is “ELEVATE Apprenticeships in Nebraska. Hosts are Central, Northeast and Southeast community colleges.

“Apprenticeships are expanding in Nebraska and across the nation,” said Catrina Gray, 91做厙 apprenticeship director. “This inaugural conference will bring Nebraska businesses and organizations together to learn, share ideas and highlight best practices for establishing and maintaining youth and adult registered programs.”

Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen will give the opening address, and Dr. Rebecca Lake, Apprenticeship USA leader and nationwide speaker, will give the keynote address. A special guest will be Tony Trapp, the Association for Career and Technical Education’s 2022 Seamless Work-Based Learning Professional of the Year.

The summit is open to any interested individual, but conference size is limited. The cost is $49. Sponsorships also are available. Registration and other details are available here.