91做厙 Athletics COVID-19 Protocols

September 27, 2021

The culture of if you are sick, then stay home is imperative in order to prevent the spread of disease to other members of our athletic teams. In addition, all individuals should assume they have been exposed to COVID-19 and self-monitor for symptoms. Student-athletes should be in contact with the athletic trainer if they have any form of illness. The athletic trainer will make coaches aware of sick or symptomatic athletes as soon as possible and will be in contact with health care professionals regarding any athlete with illness or symptoms of COVID-19.

Coaches are expected to be supportive of the athletic trainer and student-athletes when it comes to sick or symptomatic athletes who miss practices or games. Coaches should report any illness they may be aware of to the athletic trainer so the best decisions may be made regarding athlete health and safety. In addition, the athletic department will provide information to the Columbus Campus associate dean of students as identified in the institutional response protocol. The following guidelines are in place:

A. If a student-athlete reports being ill:

  • Stay home and follow guidance from health care professionals, including any self-isolation requirements.
  • Student-athlete should reach out to the athletic trainer via text, phone call and/or email.
  • A student-athlete that is ill will be evaluated by the athletic trainer via electronic means, i.e., FaceTime, Zoom, phone call, etc.
  • If student-athlete has any of the following symptoms, the athletic trainer will refer them to a health care provider for evaluation:
    • Fever 100.4 degrees or higher
    • New or worsening cough
    • New or worsening shortness of breath
    • Loss of taste and/or smell
    • Sore throat
    • Muscle aches and pain
    • Contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 within the last 14 days
  • The athletic trainer will notify the respective coach of the athlete and inform them of the status of the athlete. If the athlete will be missing classes, a CARE report will be completed.
  • The athletic trainer will notify the associate dean of students.
  • The athletic trainer and the associate dean of students will remain in contact in regard to the health status of the athlete.

B. If a student-athlete is referred for COVID-19 testing:

  • The athletic trainer will notify the associate dean of students, athletic director and the respective coach.
  • The associate dean of students or other designated employee will follow up with the student per 91做厙 Student COVID protocol.
  • The athletic trainer and associate dean of students will remain in contact in regard to health status of the athlete.

C. If a student-athlete tests POSITIVE for COVID-19:

  • Student-athlete should self-isolate and follow guidance from health care professionals.
  • Student-athlete will notify the athletic trainer.
  • The athletic trainer will notify Athletic Director and respective coach if a student-athlete receives a positive COVID-19 test result. Test result will be recorded in Healthy Roster.
  • The athletic director and /or athletic trainer will notify the Associate Dean of Students and initiate a CARE report, if not already submitted.
  • If student-athlete has been in contact with teammates and/or athletic department personnel prior to testing positive for COVID-19 athletic trainer will communicate with Associate Dean of Students and will seek assistance from the local health department for guidance.
  • The 91做厙 athletic trainer will contact the athletic trainer from opposing teams if a student-athlete tests positive for COVID-19 within 14 days of games being played.
  • If the 91做厙 athletic trainer, coaches, and/or athletic director is made aware of an opposing team student-athlete testing positive for COVID-19 they will immediately contact the associate dean of students and the local health department for guidance.
  • The associate dean of students or other designated employee will follow up with the student per 91做厙 student COVID protocol.
  • The athletic trainer and the associate dean of students will remain in contact in regard to health status of the athlete.

D. Return to Play after testing positive for COVID-19

  • Once self-isolation period is over and all signs and symptoms have resolved, student-athlete will follow-up with his/her health care professional.
  • Student-athletes will need to be cleared by a health care professional to begin gradual progression of activity.
  • Student-athletes will be cleared by the athletic trainer for full athletic participation once they have completed all steps of the gradual progression with no onset of symptoms.