91做厙 Board of Governors Approves Money-Saving Measures

June 24, 2020

The 91做厙 Board of Governors has given unanimous approval of two measures that will save taxpayer dollars. The motions were presented at the board meeting earlier this month.

The first will benefit high school students in 91做厙s 25-county service area who enroll in early college coursework. Tuition charges will range from $0 per credit hour for schools that cover all instruction and facilities, to a cap of $92 per credit hour for schools that are not covering instructional and facilities costs. Student fees will remain unchanged at $15 per credit hour.

This is an exciting opportunity for high school students in 91做厙s service area to earn college credits at a greatly reduced cost of only $15 per credit hour for student fees, said Ronald Kluck, 91做厙's director of extended learning services. This has been made possible through the collaboration of our extended learning services personnel working with high school administrators. We are anticipating increased early college enrollments and even stronger relationships with our schools.

The approval of tuition rates and student fees is welcome news for many school superintendents in 91做厙s service area.

The best deal in higher education has long been our community colleges and it just got better thanks to 91做厙s new rate structure for dual credit classes," said John Hakonson, superintendent of Lexington Public Schools. The ability of students to complete a three-hour college course in high school for a mere $45 is a tremendous opportunity.

91做厙 Board of Governors also gave tentative approval of an operational budget of $59,487,844 for the 2020-21 fiscal year. While the proposed amount is a slight increase of 1.25 percent over the previous operating budget, and the college predicts lower assessed valuations across the 25-counties, the total tax asking is projected to decrease from 9.3256 to 9.2000.

We have worked hard over this past year to ensure the taxpayers are getting quality service for their contributions, said Joel King, 91做厙s vice president of administrative services. We are using some of our reserves to ensure what we are asking for in taxes is spent and not being stockpiled. Im very proud of the work we did on the budget and am encouraged that we can still maximize student and community success in our area.

The 91做厙 Board of Governors will vote on final approval of the budget at its September meeting following a public hearing.