Course Delivery Letter to Students

July 28, 2020

Dear 91做厙 Students:

Your success is the first and highest priority for the administration, faculty, and staff of 91做厙. College leadership has been closely following events and public health recommendations surrounding the outbreak and spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). We understand that the stress and uncertainty of the current global public health situation complicates the already-challenging endeavor of pursuing a college education.  

This letter is to inform you that the course delivery mode for some classes has been adjusted from lecture to hybrid or online, to allow increased social distancing and to help manage the potential spread of COVID-19. You can learn more about 91做厙s course delivery modes by reviewing the Instructional Information in the . If you now have an online class that has required scheduled meetings, you will need to attend the class online at that time.

You can access your class schedule, which includes delivery mode, and make changes through the . You can find your advisor under "Click to Here to View Your Progress-Program Notes."

Updates for the Fall Semester:

  • Appropriate physical distancing measures are followed in the classroom
  • Face coverings are required
  • At this time no adjustments to our college calendar are planned. Classes will start on August 17 and end on December 11.

Please continue to check your 91做厙 email and the 91做厙 COVID-19 webpage for updates related to college operations. We will communicate changes across as many channels as possible.

We know students have been challenged this year in ways no one could have expected, financially and otherwise. We understand the difficulties that students experience, and our commitment to helping students get the assistance they need is a central part of our mission. Please check out the following links for helpful information:

  • gives information that students need to be successful at 91做厙. It includes instructions for logging in to WebCentral, utilizing the Student Help Desk, Moodle and Canvas Workshops, and much more to help you get started at 91做厙.  
  • provides an extensive list of resources, including tutoring at the Academic Success Centers, how to access counseling; disability services; food and hygiene pantries; how to meet other students through student organizations and activities, and much more.

If you have any health-related or other general concerns about the upcoming semester, we are here to assist you.  If you have a specific situation, you are encouraged to reach out right away to Dr. Beth Przymus at 402-562-1284.

If there is any way we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me via email or by phone at 308-398-7405.


Janel Walton
Dean of Enrollment Management