Summer Financial Aid

If you plan to register for classes during the summer of 2024 and need financial aid, you will need to have the 2023-24 FAFSA completed.

During the Summer, financial aid is limited, but there are occasionally grants and scholarships available. Your eligibility for summer grants will automatically be reviewed. For scholarships you will need to submit a summer scholarship application which is available at the Financial Aid Office.

Please keep in mind the following:

1. If you were a full-time student during the fall and spring semesters and used full-time Pell Grant funds during those terms, you will need to register at least half-time in the summer (six credits or more) to be eligible for a summer Pell Grant. If you did not receive full-time Pell funds for the fall and spring semesters, contact the financial aid office at the campus of your choice to discuss your summer eligibility.

2. You must be registered at least half-time to be eligible for student loans (six or more credits).

3. You must be pursuing a degree or diploma from 91做厙 to receive financial aid in the summer or in any term of enrollment. If you are only taking summer courses to transfer to another institution, we cannot fund you.